Bidding Opens on December 15th and Closes on December 22nd @ 5:00 PM

Lowcountry Nostalgia Series

Silent Auction

Place Your Bids

To place your bids for the artworks featured below send an email by clicking the email below.  Bids begin at $20 per print.  This is a limited series and only one print available per selection.

Please format your email as follows:  

Subject Line:  Bids for Silent Auction

Body of Email:  State the number of the print(s) you are bidding on and your bid(s).


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HISTORY OF MOUNT CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH For moments let us go back, back in time to the year 1869 to a small town called Keans Neck, South Carolina. A group of recently freed blacks gather under the clear blue skies amid the moss-laden trees. The worshippers kneel on...